* * *
It's been several years now, when Ignatius left.
Life went on and went on; they are regularly released in a series of a film in a year.
The popularity of the marriage Gradov-Sinegina grew.
It grew in direct proportion to the intensity of military action on the family front.
Envious cinematic tongues stung them more and more; they said, that Gradov was 'made' by his wife, recalling the scandal of his failure with the only independent band, which, in general, was unjust.
Dennis was certainly talented. The tragedy of his as a director became his addiction to making television multyserial films. He also appeared in bondage and have always yearned for the big screen.
And where he could he did excellent job, not worse than others.
And perhaps, he would be a movie star of the first magnitude, if this short film about their fatal team Strelchenko did not existed. And also his no less fateful passion for multiserial detective 'underground'.
In winning in the love front, Denis, apparently unconsciously or consciously asserted himself: and in his own eyes and in the eyes of public opinion.
Once, when they at the beginning of their youth relations, Joanna rashly declared that she would not consider a betrayal, if he slept with somebody.
But she made him promise that if he fell in love for someone, then let him tell the truth.
It seemed Joanna played for sure; to assume that Dennis was capable of strong feelings was like to imagine that their refrigerator to love another mistress.
In Denis' soul everything froze: chicken, fish, pork... And then it and cooled.
He had one passion; it was his work, the one and only idol.
For everything else, he kept a constant temperature close to zero.
But Joanna suddenly discovered that she was wrong not in Denis but in ourselves.
She turned out to be a pathologically old-fashioned owner let the refrigerator be, let it freeze, but was my refrigerator!
His unfaithfulness, as it turned out, brought her into a rage.
But it was late, the word went out.
If she at least once let him feel her shameful womanly jealousy, he would probably calm down and stopped from complexes and the balance in their relations would be established.
But no!
The more desperately Joanna tried to convince Dennis, herself and others that she spit on him the women, the more they appeared.
And in an unconscious rage she revenged, telling him the jokes about him. And generally she tried to humiliate and bite into his most vulnerable place - pride.
And she enjoyed seeing how this unit with the sign of quality vibrated and also does not show it.
And now on the shelves of fruit there were champagne, oysters overseas, and still knows that, and everything is strange.
And this secret stupid bloody and children go to war. A cine audience was anticipating another 'stream.
So Joanna Adam called periodic collapse of a couple of elite at the top, with the result that freed the two vacant seats and inevitably a new permutation, decay and formation started.
Beau monde was in motion. It diverged, converged, made rows, but not much. Row was considered as mauvais ton. And in the end, all shake down before the next 'stream.
'Streams' usually happens in a closed inner circle or close quarters of movies, writers, theaters. Therefore, no one here especially not suffered, except that children and dogs.
This game gave spice to life and piquancy. Each participant received in the end his new place with a total number of permanent players.
Worse happened if someone else got organized system of related elite environment: scientific, technical, and educational.
When someone picked the waitress, a fashion model, teacher, son or best milkmaid; is also once happened.
Then in the system inevitably a superfluous one appeared. And what a sweet charming creature, being out of work and wondering what it wronged fortune, fell for some reason, Denis' refrigerator.
And Yana was watching on movements by calculating the coming candidate for her property, hating myself, and Dennis for this humiliating condition.
But she could not help myself.
Helge from Tartu, who played their once-smuggler Englishwoman (so it was instituted to take on the role of foreigners people from Baltic republics) was not form their 'circle'.
She was bony, whitish, freckled with tightly laid hair, always strong dark skirt and suddenly bold translucent blouses, through which shone a small perfect breasts; she took in a usual and ordinary place the Denis' refrigerator.
And why just because of her did Joanna lose her temper, it was unknown.
It was a velvet season, Dennis with the group went to the nature shootings to Gagra.
They usually involve nature in the South or the coast, at the same time to relax a bit, swim a full-fledged... On a normal holiday time always lacked, and John, writer, traveled with the group.
But this time, all one to one a headache. She will have to stay to attend an interesting trial.
In addition, to the authorities once scenario series seemed too dark, have to sit at a desk and 'clarify' it.
While Denis in between sun and sea baths shot something.
The prospect of hanging around in a stuffy Moscow is not very tempting.
But, of course, not in the bathroom was the case. And that call from Gagra Violet, the one permanent Denis assistan, who had changed over the years several husbands, apartments and hairstyles... but remained faithful to David and color of lipstick.
She called and complained that 'this freckled harlot' came although she had no role now.
She arrived, as she said, to relax on Pitsunda, but the she had no tour too.
And she did not think to go Pitsunda and rented a room in Gagra and all the while hanging on the set.
It was about Helga. So really was called fashionable while a sideboard, for which chased the whole of Moscow.
It was unoccupied Helge in the picture, that she came 'just so', came to Dennis, and especially that their upcoming 'family' visit to Givi made Joanna lose her temper.
All night the spirits of evil were whispering to her plans for revenge.
And in the morning she wrote, finally, a scenario where a sinister design sophistication to pick up a truly Shakespearean heights.
These spirits helped her, thoush she was a terrible dawdler throw in the bag all you need in some half-hour, nothing was forgotten, including the Denis' jacket and his most stunning dress - the last peep from abroad.
And the swimsuit, and even sunglasses.
Then they, the spirits, wrapped her with their tentacles, seated in a taxi and rushed across the town to the airport. Where they instantly got a ticket in spite of the high season, stuffed her into the plane and there on a height of seven thousand feet they finally owned it, exiting her with passionate anger, delightful paintings earthquake, which she was going to make.
And when the plane suddenly fell in an air pocket, she is not afraid of his possible death, and that her conceived mischief in this case would not happen.
'Just I think I have gone mad,' she thought sluggishly.
But this idea, and cotton clouds piling up under the wing, and companions in a taxi Adler-Gagra mother and daughter in-law, pulling home a carpet with a horrible name of 'copper-ammonia'...
And no less terrible smell of monsters, and their temperamental General Discussion with a chauffeur, uterine sharp sounds are often repeated and the winding mountain road, and, finally, a piece of blue sea that flashed round the corner, all this would only be necessary figurative row.
A genuine action again and again played out within it, inside, into multiple voluptuous scrolling bloody future performance.
An indian shawl as a gift, and Jana gets little room Otarik.
Log in there right from the garden, dizzyingly steep stairs, but entwined with "Isabella" balcony and full autonomy.
Jana displeased only Otarik. He will have on these two days to move to his grandmother, who "grunts and snores."
There have even been alarming article on the all-embracing 'antonizatsia' of teenagers who wore shirts, 'antonki', famously whitefish from the roofs, sometimes breaking a limb, firing of homemade and fight till the blood, mimicking his idol, the master of sport of Sambo and gymnastics often costing no stuntmen.
They used his words and wrote on the dusty road coats capital 'A'.
That is to say 'I go to you!' Anton.
She appointed Anton meeting on a piece littered with empty container beach, behind a second-rate bar, where a meal in anticipation.
Time dragged slowly, and six were still a quarter of an hour.
She thought of the sea.
It is a few steps, but she did not even swim.
She forgot about the sea, although the first is always the first thing, leaving a horrible thing, ran into 'elements.
'Oh, the sea in Gagra!'
Rivers broyght to her anguish. Yes, and other Seas,Azov, the Baltic Sea too.
Even the Crimea.
Gagra with their incredible beauty evokes thoughts of paradise, they were magic, and she adored wonders.
She came here as in heaven, and always was leaving in tears.
She pined for "the sea in Gagra on any other resort - Palanga, Varna, Koktebel, Pyatigorsk... By that once wandered, enjoying the beauties and more mrachneya. Dennis finally exploded - which it, strictly speaking, is looking for?
And she admitted. 'the sea'.
The idea that somewhere there must be a sea, plagued as she spit, and did not take two tickets aboard the plane, although before his death, she was afraid to fly.
She listened stoically all he thinks about it, Denis, and after an hour had already plunged into 'elements'.
And then she forgot about the sea.
In the bar, behind empty boxes, it was not too clean. Maybe around here it poured all sorts of rubbish, and the weather was not so hot. And though she wore a swimsuit, but it did not take the dry clothes, towel and forgot about it.
And when He swam to the displacer and lay on his back, looking at the deliquescent evening cloud over the head with a golden-pink-edged, she was healed in a moment. Life has again become the life, the sea tamed demons.
But only for a moment, until she saw jumping on boxes Anton wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap pulled down over his forehead, and he whistled a special whistle.
He waves his hand.
'That was a bit much,' he kissed her cheek. 'Fu, frog. Where is the towel? How is it not? Rendezvous at the dump. What's going on?'
She hopped on one leg, shook the water out of her ear, pulling on wet body sundress, deftly relieved of bikini panties fall to the feet.
With Anton and she dealt shortly, they are from time immemorial as a brother and sister on the set of what just had happened.
And sleeping on a mattress in the village had a quick bath to wash all in a heap.
Boys turn away; girls turn away.
Drying in the cooling sun among smelling tomatoes and persimmon boxes, though not large was a possibility that someone from mutual friends or Anton's fans climb on this dump, though visor with sunglasses covered his half a face, but better safe than sorry - she gave him the third act, and his direct role.
He even took off his glasses and stared at her wide-eyed - she is playing him, or what?
Then in a panic began to wipe his face drying bra bikini.
She took back her bra.
That was a bit much. No, that is, mother, without me ... You do not let me down. He will not understand.
She assured that is not going to let him down that she took al upon herself.
That the humor of Denis is in the order, and in the fall of Moscow brilliant idea, she won a thousand kilometers specially flown, even though the aircraft feared like the plague - is it all in vain?
Of course, he thought of the 'closet' about this Helge.
But for this case Yana was prepared a few distracting cues, which indicated that the presence of Denis' girlfriend in which she, of course, we know no more rocking her presence in the city that now flies.
She foresaw, of course, that Anton balked, but it all thought out, perfected the text and subtext.
According to the scenario at the end of the third act Anton must surrender that, in the end all, happens.
Anton, for all its pathological stubbornness, belonged to them - her and Denis. And nowhere on it does not get to.
This is it, Denis, spotted it in the still very inexperienced provincial boy superb twisting somersaults on the stage, the future of great and unrivaled Pavel Kolchugin, although samples were not pretty.
Although somewhere in the mysterious depths of her subconscious concealed answer - Yana felt it intuitively, but could not manage her grasp his hunch by the tail.
Somehow Anton Kravchenko has been the second decade belonged to them. From year to year, from series to series - the heart of the TV series!
Anton grew old together with Pavel, this was his first and basic life.
The small theater there, in his native town, where flatly refused to go to his wife, Nina.
And family life, and a cozy cottage for two families, and fatherhood (adorable little boys, twins) - for all it's almost no time left.
And like Anton or would not, he increasingly became Pavel Kolchugin.
She, Joanna, molded and he invented this home life - a feat thought women.
Oh, of course, Anthon was an idol and had to belong to everybody and anybody and John understood it perfectly.
And she had a difficult task: on the one hand, Soviet Superman should be perfectly morally pure. On the other hand to reduce women's mind, while remaining unbeaten.
But without causing any doubt in his male potency and power.
She came up to him some mysterious mistress, a foreigner-communist, under different roofs, running on our intelligence, which appeared miraculously whenever Pavel found himself one on one with the dangerous and difficult task related to the international mafia.
Then under the guise of flight attendants, the dancer, the luxurious society lady, she always saved, supplied valuable information and all kinds of 'assist', every time making up and concealing her face from the audience.
Recognizable only by scar behind his ear under the gorgeous hair and a few details of how, from which it followed that mysterious lady - again "is the same."
Childhood friend, maybe even the bride or the secret wife, but that no gu-gu.
And every time you kiss on the diaphragm childhood friend, a foreigner again disappeared in the waves of the sea of life until the next series, leaving Pavel-Anton once again free to the delight of the heroines and telezritelnitsam.
Anyway, she, Joanna, worked the fate of Pavka Anton even more so than Denis. Anton felt that power and was oppressed by it.
And rhe ebelled, sometimes with mulishness defending their ideas and discoveries, which were sometimes 'the bull's eye', often proved delusions.
And then Denis psyched, and Joanna patiently gave Anton himself a possibility to feel that he was rowing not there and had to turn the right direction.
Denis racked him. Anton hated and feared Denis.
Yana suspected that he hated and her too deep down, but purely in a female causing him to wanted what she wanted, sought much more than Dennis.
Here and now in this single-handed, she pulled Anton on his side, using arguments pre-made in a plane.
Cinema was developing according to plan. Anton now had to persuade Nadezhda Savelyevna, a make-up artist and, if stubborn, to take to the stage one more actor Violet, the best friend of Nadezhda Savelievna.
And then at night at the narrow bad where she turned almost without sleeping, opening and closing the balcony door.
And the smell of ripening vine 'Isabella', and the crackle of cicadas.
And, as the end of the world, the incident from time to time the fiery roar of speeding train...
And the deliciously-masochistic thought that Denis and his gerl of course, are now together, his hand was on her tiny chiseled chest, and woven body twists, like an octopus...
And the window, like it, then open, then closed.
And crackling cicadas, and smells "Isabella", and the train rumbles ...
All night her demons again and again tore her to scroll to the inflammation of the brain that infernal erotica. And she drank and drink from the poison of the vessel, more and more drunk destructive fury.
It will be exciting and painful as looking into the abyss.
Oh the Sea in Gagra! Joanna's Page 37. Door 4
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