Thank you, Yegor!
Joanna was again in the Golden Land, realizing that her former aversion to life, not fatigue syndrome, satiety, or old age. A signal danger to the soul, try to sleep on the island in the middle of raging Luzhino's bloody sea.
She wept over his sin to resist evil.
Rights Dante was a thousand times, when he asserted that the most painful hell in hell is intended for those who remained neutral during the great battles between good and evil.
If hurt and robbed bad, you do not should be good - it is an axiom.
Or you're not with God, commanded to love our neighbors and distant.
And "put your soul for your friends"...
Saints said, "Rejoice!" But they are day and night crying and praying about dying world.
They rejoiced in the coming salvation, the beauty of God's world, but not own selfish well-being against the bloody feast.
Perhaps, then, in the past centuries, nine hundred and fifth in nine seventeenth and forty-first they our ancestors felt the same.
"The monster is fat, huge, mischievous, with a hundred mouths and barking"...
"Greedy beasts, insatiable leeches"...
We break through!
So thought "Grandma" Joanna happily discovering that regained her zest for life. Looking like it painted on the walls of the temple are decorated with icons and have their Denis "The Nativity of the Virgin" earnestly applied parishioners.
Work in the temple was, of course, free, but for the literary group her bank account gradually replenished. Twice a week with the students and once in two weeks with adults.
Then add to this remote and advice on Izanami - no.
In the vicinity Golden land were two secondary schools and even sponsored afterschool classes. Where the boys return to their parents with work (and some overnight), doing homework, engaged in foreign languages, sports, aesthetics.
Very helpful and were walking the game when only allowed to speak in a foreign language, technical circles and, of course, computer classes.
Here cared about identifying and developing talent almost with toddlers. Widely used virtual communication and programs: traveling the world, museums, historical sites, art galleries.
Joanna shook Golden Mount's children - she never thought that at one point of the earth can be diluted as much geeks.
They were never told: go to the store, wash dishes, does not stick out in the hallway, not keep up with with punks, do not try drugs...
Here these problems just was not the children were fed, well-groomed, free from any domestic trouble and while busy from morning till evening.
And what they like, what they do, from which they will not drag the ears.
Sports, computer and technical classes on individual programs, music school, different aesthetic circles.
The most talented then goes to college, conservatory, in CB. Started making money, sometimes a lot, became celebrities.
But they are, as a rule, remained convinced sAcquired a taste for the existence of stable, free from pans, consumerism, stupid pastime.
For another kind of being, which has already become their essence.
They have learned to appreciate the time.
And many have found a vocation in the same "struggle for the liberation of mankind" - young, clean, hot, fearless and full of energy.
Inkwells, and Cesar Violet wandered deeper and deeper into the ruins of the country, helping desperate to survive, recover, to find the desired favorite thing and break the deadly embrace of the vampire.
And most importantly, to seek and grow in the field of "ours". Remembering and understanding that "cadres decide everything."
In their classrooms and Joanna tried to teach children and adults to ask and listen to the inner compass of conscience. Suggesting that the gift of words; it is a conversation with Heaven.
You can explore any mud puddle, but how would fly over it to get to the most important task to overcome, not to swim in the mud.
This is worth all the Russian classics.
That "for every idle word will have to give an answer".
That the word and the great lifeguard and seducer.
You no longer will be on the earth, and thy words will continue to work on the light or darkness, condemning or justifying to come before the Court.
Form the same; only the sauce, allowing the reader or viewer to assimilate the contents of a dish. Both beneficial and harmful.
Genius and villainy compatible!
Evil Genius...
Although, of course, music, painting, dance, and some immortal lines can have an independent aesthetic value
Beauty serving as part of the Plan.
Not so important subjects, not what you write, but also works for whom.
Your word should turn arrows internal compass in the right direction.
You can, for example, sing tavern.
And it is possible, as Yesenin, die in it.
Throwing his stick in the mirror "black man"...
Highlight the word Path runs through the darkness.
The Savior made it his life and martyrdom.
He was the Word, and the Way.
And dark poems about young Joseph was rejected by the poet, sacrifice in vain. About dark people who do not need neither the victim nor the Word nor Way, Truth or should not confuse us.
Our business is to sow. "Reasonable, good and eternal". Light always shine everywhere," overcoming darkness.
And the choices they see hear, go out and find it.
And on good soil seed germinates. Maybe, in a century.
For "burning heart verb" comes from the Creator.
And owning a verb creates reality, creating and destroying darkness...
Word is immortal.
So thinking about the high Joanna, fingering, in general, while scribbler's opuses and verse of his disciples.
Aware that her conversation rather religious and moral than creative.
She wanted to impress upon them the most, from her point of view, the most important word - weapons.
Perhaps the most dangerous and powerful in the world.
If mishandled mass destruction or madness.
And the talented Bomber, scorching in the air or on the souls of the sighting, the more dangerous.
And thou shalt be ashamed and afraid fatal mistakes of youth.
For "manuscripts do not burn".
And the saddest lines do not wash off...
Across a total heap and pearls are individual comparisons, finds quatrains.
It's about adults. As for boys, they were all talented, confirming that "the baby has spoken by the mouth of truth". Directly and clean, though looked at girls, they compose verses and secretly smoking in the toilet.
And here is how to "teach" talent? Joanna did not know.
Although perhaps as persistent training... If you long to suffer...
She said that:
You hear unclear strings mixed with coughing and sneezing hall and recording everything. Learn to separate one from the other.
Differentiate lie game mask.
And fear darkness romanticized.
In practice this gentleman in a sneering cracked pince-nez, Woland not even with a sword.
Darkness is simply the absence of light.
Pulled the cord out of the socket; that's you and darkness.
It is sad and dangerous.
There is the concept of "negative experience".
Wandering in darkness, to truly appreciate the light.
Get injured and bumps, to visit the hands of robbers, even fall into the abyss.
Joanna believed that such an individual experience, perhaps someone will be helpful.
But woe betide the driver who the planted busload not there has delivered or overturned.
He himself, perhaps, will be selected, but they are?..
And then the Judgment.
Not to distract, not to entertain, not to lure into the abyss...
Although, maybe it is sometimes useful to bring to the edge and make recoil in horror...
In their church come believers.
Well, book, theater, film are available to everyone, the crowd.
Culture should be a temple for rescue floundering in a sea of everyday individuals. Should bring them word, serve as a bridge.
That same rainbow from heaven for everyone is a symbol of the Covenant of God and man.
Singers and prophets "of God" should give people the very beauty of seven colors of the rainbow, which " will save the world".
Seven colors merging together in divine white Transfiguration, which dreamed of Ignatius...
"How to know the will of Heaven?" asked Joanna.
The question that she often asked to confessors. Her personally, for example, helped to prayer.
One thing was clear: the truth must be sought as the main business of life.
Lead stressful daily sap from death row at will, at any time when you can come over.
Church appeals to "internal". Culture to "lying in evil world", to "external".
Missionary activity involves direct preaching of the gospel.
Culture is a sermon in the symbols, images, colors and sounds.
Beautiful shell brought to perfection external skill can tempt, seduce, to take away the emptiness catchy wrapping candy wrappers without the candy.
She liked to talk together, to think, to look for.
It was people thinking, arguing almost to blows. She was with them interesting, though "pearls" in contrast to the scholars, it was not enough.
Rather go for a walk in the woods,
While he has not disappeared at night is a second grader wrote.
Visited it with pleasure and pool, and a sauna. Doing morning exercises is the doctor appointed individual complex. Know looking at the screen and repeat until you unlearn.
And then you can engage itself on the balcony, in the park...
Gyms were decent, issued skates and skis.
On a frozen pond played the same music that once in Gorky Park, just skated hand in hand and each other...
She also ventured to wear skates and was surprised that has not forgotten anything.
Oh, forty years have passed...
Only slightly hurt unaccustomed legs and chest deliciously sank from these waltzes and tangos.
As in his early youth, when they Lyudmila last bought tickets for children and the ticket collector looked mockingly:
Well, where are your children?
"That took a life " - she thought without much sadness, rather surprised.
Remembering how under the same waltz "Birch" forty years ago, sitting on a bench, rubbing icy toes.
And very afraid that no one saw a hole in a woolen sock.
She now saw before her, this brown with a red border with worn sock heel at a distance of forty years.
And again it seemed wings and carried all ahead.
Time moved apart Golden Land if she so much time...
And like that, and it wanted to move mountains.
Had this sickening feeling stupid life, leaving to some absurdity.
The spirit of Golden Land pushing" takes up the plow". Rejoice that he is "a pound" and take on a new one.
Soul singing, singing the body she is also without any difficulty treated her teeth, bone and all.
Underwent a course of acupuncture, disappeared usual nocturnal pain here and there.
Denis was recovering, and everything was wonderful.
"Never mind, I will break through," she thought we feel confident.
Well, I introduced the Office Iris individual computer programs "Daily Bread" daily and longer term set of recommendations: mode, exercise, medical procedures, menus, diet, etc.
And when it is better to do a fasting day, and which train or plane to depart at your desired point. And where the maximum profit and minimal burden to realize their goods (for example, flowers) if you want to "do business" itself.
And really listen or not is your will.
Until he disappeared at night. Joanna's Page 70
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