"System of a whole, where every single part of an infinitely valuable, and if it is bad, bad throughout the body, allows the Creator through the universal suffering and disasters to control the fate of each individual.
God often punishes Correcting suffering, illness, affliction."
The Soviet Union was founded on the same principle: a failure in any part of it, not to mention its necrosis, leading to illness and agony as this part and the whole.
The Soviet system cannot be removed. Stalin specially built on the foundations of the entire industry interpenetration and interaction.
The capitalist system allows a part of the society to prosper at the expense of others, having achieved all sorts of foul privileged position for themselves.
Use cannot be here, for the excesses anyway enslave harm the body. particularly when they are due to other.
The so-called part-vampires are unnecessary ballast to it, cancerous tumors, which, by the grace of God, cut off the revolution.
Then sins are washed away with blood.
What is the punishment for apostasy from the Plan somehow being accomplished here on earth.
And some have a chance to get after washing the blood of martyrs white robes and enter into the kingdom of the world to come.
Or is this parasite and corrupting whole of society is slowly rotting alive, spreading the stench around, infection and death.
And the prodigal son is dying in sin, is his father's house, and has not returned to the Father.
The Soviet system could not, of course, to cancel the original sin.
However, calling the disease a disease, but not freedom, it prevented the spread of the disease.
Now the idea of the leader load. Sovereignty will inevitably lead to disaster, chain reaction of the Whole, once the former great powers.
Rapada both spiritually and socio-ekonomicheckom plan.
"Completely destroyed" their dilapidated consciousness mad son, tearing of the Father's House in a foreign land, in misery and destruction.
And "build a new world" for oneself in God, self-sacrificing love of a son serving free to His Cause.
Become the son and heir of the House of the Father.
Prior to founding destroy and rebuild itself.
"He who was nothing will become everything."
Is subject to a revolution of the spirit of the Transfiguration, the believer in the consciousness of eternity, it's "born again."
Sometimes it is not clear religious people / Nicodemus / and literally inspires some seemingly external atheism to faith as a rule do not reject God, god, whose image does not match the conduct of the Creator which is written in their hearts.
Such worship their reference, more trust him (sometimes justifiably) social than religious sermons of some pastors. That's why the Lord forgives most "cold", not awaked, but have taken the road "at the behest of the heart" than "heat Frigid 'lawyers.
Return to the Father's House prodigal sons in the new transfigured quality.
Sons by birth, who were the sons of love and spirit.
Everything helps, promoting it from God, and all the obstacles the prince of darkness.
Only traffic on the way home pleases the Father.
Until the end of earthly life to have time to get yourself and help others.
Dilapidated mind: to squander a foreign country with the biggest buzz legacy of the Father, and "after me - the deluge."
Some call the Father's House "bright future" - the essence remains the same.
Believing mind, first of all, is characteristic of devout communists with their "dawn on the horizon."
The Socialists are busy building a more just order in a foreign land.
Nationalists understand what the people there are more worthy. Quarrel, to whom in what place to live. Religious denominations argue, whose path to the House rather Otchemu.
Various parties are also interested in the problems of a "life in a foreign land."
As well as other Earth-sharing association.
A vampire people will say, "The state is us."
Disaster, distress and suffering to the last time another attempt to reason with us merciful Creator.
Since the severity of a hangover, sometimes forcing a drunk cast an evil life, turns salvation.
There are times shameful debauchery,
Victory over evil bold truth and goodness.
Everything is clean silent, as if it is embraced
Dull heavy sleep.
Throughout the triumph of the priests calf gold,
Jubilant mindless minions of fortune,
Jubilant image devoid of human
Branded slaves.
Life has become an orgy. In the little soul low, dirty
Human senses nothing stirs.
Feasting, dancing, drinking ... All gone, ugly,
A conscience is fast asleep ...
(A. P. Barykova. 1878).
Not reminiscent at times our lives are meaningless walking back and forth across the chamber before his execution?
But our warrior-liberator is not limiting God's freedom, which the Creator has already given the right to disobey the ban, "not".
He was limiting freedom lies.
"It is forbidden to forbid forbidden by the Creator"; this is the order of Satan.
You could not let them drag us into play by their rules. And all in the game.
Our way "do not seem to be well."
Socialist competition: who is the first one to win?
Children play by their rules, not so harmless. Generating conceit, vanity and pride.
The pursuit of external indicators, the desire to substitute opponent leg...
And then the authorities claim that, in contrast to capitalist competition, the need to help those lagging behind...
In short, the infusion of new wine into old wineskins.
In the new consciousness to help, pull up, share experiences should be as natural as breathing.
Reward? LIFE is your reward what could be more valuable?
All parts working smoothly Whole receive the award in a full life.
Surpluses are also detrimental as the "bust" when playing the "point."
A "comrades" were introduced the principle of material interests instead INTEREST OF SPIRITUAL and immediately denounced the self-seekers, money-grubbers, "vestiges of the past in mind."
Who was the Lord in the Russian revolution?
Walked to the front "in the white crown of roses?"
Or regret mode, the convicted conscience Russia since the "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"? And even before...
Is it all clear in respect of the Creator to the "inviolability" system, permanently generating predators?
How to understand the words of loving one's enemies and the need for patience, but then - on the ground bringing the sword division?
And the fact that you cannot serve God and Mammon?
Was in our hands trump ace - the blessing of Heaven, forgive me for this It is unseemly terminology? .. In general, all the heavenly "trump card" that we not only did not notice and did not use in the heat of passion, but also began to go by the old rules, allowing himself to be drawn into a familiar shulerskuyu game losing streak on the right?
Were at odds with the comrades and sin of pride. On the one hand - to work hard to be a hero, be a higher and better than all of the other the condemnation of conceit and self-promotion, it is quite fair. Again a dead end, especially manifested in movies and books of those years.
Sky also says firmly: the left hand, doing good, not to brag about this right so as not to disrupt the idea.
A person is given the right to disobey God. Satan is given the right to tempt man.
But no one has the right to forcibly change the mentality and zombie.
Personality must consciously choose between good and evil, know what they do.
And the so-called "democratic" media, mass media, porn, drug and mass murder with the show broadcast to the world - they have created and contributed to the prince of darkness "powers that be" who called violence against the person of his "rights."
Black magic narkoigly television, radio snake venom bristling with temptation and deceit in every apartment - what can they withstand what the psyche?
Unequal forces.
Which is better: to smile after the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov:
We are all descended from apes, so let's love each other! or:
We are from God, so let's drench each other "?
"Behold, all souls - mine: the soul of the father, so also the soul son - My, The soul that sins, it shall die.
If someone is just and justice and righteousness ...
No one is oppressed, restored to the debtor his pledge, hath not produced, bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment;
In the growth does not give a vengeance and does not take hand from iniquity his judgment between man and man is correct,
Walked in My statutes and kept My judgments faithfully: he is - just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God. "
(Ezekiel 18:4-5, 7-9)
Single person who, being "run flat with the chain" does not throw bite, fornicate, seize other people's territory in order to, again, and there is bickering and fornicate.
Single person who does not need a leash and a whip to restrain their baser instincts and animal.
Available in part a servant of God, who makes, compels himself not to be a beast, even being a "run-flat with a chain."
Free saints with joy and delight that doeth the will of the Creator by serving His Cause as easily and naturally as the birds sing, the victorious force of gravity.
Well, while the rest are in need of a chain for his own good the chain and protect them from the booth fangs, claws and lascivious touching predators roaming the world. From the danger of an animal infected with a disease called rabies.
Yes, the man given the freedom to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to death.
Devil impels him to do it...
But the pastor "on a white horse" given the freedom to pierce the snake spear and cut off at least one head...
Why is a country held, while there was an "evil empire with the atheist ideology," and suddenly collapsed, has spread to decay, as soon as this "terrible ideology" brought down?
Can a good tree to grow poisonous fruits?
From the very beginning of man put in a false position.
In addition to the Heavenly Father is still MOTHER. - EARTH, HOMELAND, LLC, a debt which in relation to the individual - to provide her "daily bread" to implement the vocation intended above.
God provides us with everything say through its "true" hands of the powerful, which are given only to that power and wealth.
Unfortunately, they do not perform their functions, breaking idea.
Those who wish to implement the plan should serve as your name Heaven / "give possessions to the poor" - in the broadest sense of the word /. In need of your help.
Rich are original warehouses ensure the Whole, batteries, distributing the gifts of Heaven according to need.
In loving family is a common table where everyone gets to-sufficient for the normal performance of their duties, the role of the family in general.
Is that the "smaller", the children get more tasty chunks.
Each other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Freedom is in creative ministry.
Tolstoy, the writer was free at his desk, he created worlds.
He needed a "room under the roof." Reproduction of the "Sistine Madonna", on which he often watched. Vegetarian food. Shirt, boots, and the Countess, who edited the written pages.
Wealth, however, Name only enslaved and tormented him, because it is a source of inequality that violates the idea and tormenting conscience.
And no means to serve.
Except for the charity.
By the way, many Tolstoyans, following his sermons and literally giving away his possessions to the poor (mostly lumpen and drunk), found themselves destitute.
And, realizing the futility of his feat, shoot.
Count on the same despair and remorse rushed to repair the roof, plow, sewing boots and teach kids.
This, of course, a good idea in the sense of moral / again a literal understanding of the words "less is more" / and "ohotku."
But the count, which is often in the articles relied on became banal truth that mankind - a single organism, did not realize the main thing.
That everyone's place in the life of this organism.
And having the gift of words does not have to plow or sewing boots. Although perfectly well that he is able to and does not despise the common people.
Just his name - TIME has a much greater value than the time of a plowman or a shoemaker.
In this sense, it is necessary to understand the words:
To whom more is given, much in demand.
Plow the hands of Leo Tolstoy - is like a diamond hammer nails.
Thick should serve as a mediator, a bridge between the divine revelation and unchurched people. Carry the truth to those who for one reason or another did not find her in the temple.
Creator planted the writer behind the wheel of the bus and also art of driving, ask to him, first of all, the right direction.
Thrust and painful search for truth, whom he, in his vocation, should give people - direct debt has the gift of speech.
Getting lost myself is tragic.
But the "get lost" thousands and thousands of people ... and a generation of...
It is amazing how similar the three lines of our classics:
State of mind it was expressed to me this way: my life has some sort of someone played me a stupid and cruel joke.
Despite the fact that I did not recognize any "someone" who would have made this form of representation that someone made fun of me the evil and stupid, having made me into the world, I was the most natural form of representation.
Involuntarily I imagined that somewhere out there is someone who makes fun now, looking at me.
What I whole 30-40 years living, studying living, evolving, growing body and spirit. And as I am now, just got stronger mind, reaching the top of that life, which offers all of it - I'm a fool at the top of this, it is clear understanding that nothing in life is not, and was not, and never will.
And he's funny..."
(Leo Tolstoy).
"A life, if the cold attentively around
So empty and stupid joke. "
(M. Lermontov).
Dar vain, the gift of casual,
Life, why are you given me?
Or why the fate of a mystery
You are sentenced to death?
Who is hostile power
From nothingness cried
Filled my soul with passion
The mind is agitated with doubts?
There is no purpose in front of me:
The heart is empty, idle mind
And wearies me longing
Monotonous life noise.
(A. Pushkin).
And it wrote three "most-most" in an Orthodox country! What could we say about the people...
At Chaadayev for all his delusions have wonderful lines, addressed to Pushkin:
- Not in the spiritual world of the spectacle more deplorable than the genius who did not understand his age and his calling...
Ask yourself why a person who has to tell me the way, stop me from going forward?
Give me a chance to go ahead, please ... If you do not have the patience to follow everything that's going on in the world...
Do not change your destination, my friend, REFER TO THE SKY, IT respond.
Go deep into yourself and find your inner world of light that surely lies in all souls like yours.
When you see that a person who has dominion over the minds, bows to the crowd opinion, you feel that he stayed in the way ...
And I, in the law itself imputing
Passion unified outrage
With the crowd of sharing feelings ...
(A. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin").
So the young man the Bible, crazy spender,
Prior to drop exhausted remorse phial,
Seeing finally darling abode
The head drooped, and he sobbed.
(A. Pushkin).
You cannot just say that it is written, "good." It says "born again."
Pushkin, free at least internally from the "one with the crowd arbitrary passions," writes:
The writers all over the world are the least numerous class from the entire population.
Obviously, the most powerful aristocracy, is the most dangerous there aristocracy of people who for generations, for centuries to impose their way of thinking, their passions, their prejudices.
What does the rock aristocracy and wealth in comparison with the aristocracy writing talent?
No wealth cannot outbid the impact made public thought.
No power, no rule cannot stand to resist the action of typographic all-destroying projectile.
(A. Pushkin /
But you're the artist, firmly Believe
In the beginnings and ends. You know,
Where guard us heaven and hell.
You're given a dispassionate measure
Measure everything you see.
Your eyes - so be firm and clear.
Wipe random features -
And you will see: the world is beautiful.
(A. Block).
FREEDOM is the way of life, not death.
How best to build a common house, and not as a break with the benefit from it or run away.
Those who wish to escape or destroy the will of historical time when the story will end.
That is only in his own immortal consciousness.
His chest is burning hot,
Which is based creature;
His vocation to serve the Creator...
(A.K. Tolstoy).
For us there is no death - only the arduous transition from the individual to the accomplishment of the Plan.
In three steps:
1. The intention of the Creator.
2. Historical time (everyone has his own.
3. Eternity is (one for all).
Make the transition painless as possible, organic, easy and even pleasurable ("My yoke is easy and my burden."
Without fear, suffering, anguish from the meaninglessness of existence.
The merger of our individual time with the divine eternity. These "do not come to court."
For us progress is in a happy organic nature of this transition.
In the approximation of the earth and heaven ("Thy will be done on earth as in heaven").
In the healing grace from the evil time, disease eternity. Not the end, but the beginning of life on earth personality.
Now is the time easily devour humanity, leaving nothing to eternity.
The last entry in the diary of Leo Tolstoy:
Life is a dream, death - the awakening. "
For our earthly journey is not life, that is awakening.
The death of a first is the gate to life. In true being for those who overslept his time on earth, turning over on his side and continuing to snore.
For us the words of the holy fathers, "Memento Mori" means "Remember your life!"
Held in line with the revolution of consciousness - is to take it a step and a niche, their place, and not climb as high as possible - this is different from earthly career of the Plan.
But again, history repeats itself. And we're wishing bad liberty, select feature.
Well, if hesitating, his numerous vassals push, buy, and even forced "to vote in heart."
"Blessed are the poor in spirit" a spirit of willing submission to God.
You gain true freedom in God, finds BLISS IN POVERTY.
The realization that you do not own anything.
For all "your" will kill you in a historical time that the Creator from the humble "poor in spirit" melts in the divine eternity.
Who went on, "the worm", "scoop" or "new Russian"?
Soviet Union or CIS?
Virtual reality in the service of medicine is not just treating phobias. Alcohol and drug dependence.
All of our passion are "addictions": addicted to money, food, outfits, sex, card game, politics.
Treatment programs and neyrokarty Izanami all this into account.
Here's Iris believes that death is the transition of your identity in eternity. Record your "I" to the eternal image.
In Izania advanced technologies, their implementation and the fate should not depend on getting immediate and maximum profit, as in the bourgeois world.
Do I have to renounce the world to become righteous? - Confessor asked the monk.
Do not worry, my child. Coley become righteous - the world itself from you deny, said the Holy Father.
The death flesh, regularly serving as the soul receives life time.
The immortal soul, working on a single immortal manhood, receives eternal life.
Renouncing calling, she receives eternal death.
But it is not non-existence, for the soul is immortal and eternal darkness.
Release Dudayev from the rank of General of the Soviet Army in a few years to kill him as a thug that's your freedom, ladies and gentlemen!
Creator: be careful, my children, in front of a sewage pit!
Crafty Media: no it's not a cesspool, guys, and dungeon treasure.
The essence of our diseases are disorders completely internal compass.
Riled hand instead of pointing to the "light", is torn on the scale of false values (perishability).
As a result, you can hang because of the loss of "Spartacus," deuces in physics, a broken bottle of vodka on her stocking changed the women...
Due to the reduction of zeros on the account, the hair on the head and positive reviews in the press.
Save yourself around and saved thousands is for us this is by no means a formula of a passively-closed individual heroism, and redemption through the active cause.
We are not a "union of free republics" and the "Union of Free-minded citizens of these republics and non-republics."
Not the Union states and countries, and like-minded people of all countries.
Mr. Vinogradov left to save his servants...
Capitalism: a fruit, the other - care of the vineyard and the crumbs from the master's table.
Socialism: the fruits of labor are divided.
COMMUNISM: in conscience to work and eat the fruit as much as they wish.
Izania: to nurture and preserve the return of the Lord of the vineyard. And all the rest "of itself."
I'm standing as fool on this peak. Yegor on the main things
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