* * *
Finding it is the main thing.
And not a "place in the sun" or "warm place", dreamed about most.
Place in the life of the whole. Place a nation or individual is initially determined by the Creator.
Who took him out in the earthly existence (the kingdom of God is within us) confirm their right to an eternal place in the book of life and the life to come. What pray in the Orthodox Creed.
If you did not you want to do, or at least not define spiritual and moral choice, your place unto other.
What could be worse than eternal death? Failed immortality? Eternal darkness instead of light unfading that you own forever disabled?
And forever in outer darkness will be "excruciatingly painful for the wasted years."
This is hell.
* * *
For example, the construction team builds a house "turnkey".
There are carpenters, roofers, painters, masons, tilers, glaziers. Each in his place, but together they make common cause. Without conflicting with each other and complementing each other.
This is the role of nations and individuals in the plan.
Recent events have clearly demonstrated how we are interconnected anything and everything on the small fragile earth.
Where there is no near and far. Where inattention, carelessness, condoning evil anywhere in the world, any "none of my business" sooner or later turns into a total disaster, a disaster at your doorstep.
This is where truly "Silence is betrayed God."
And whoever shouted at the farthest corner of the world of pain, despair is you MUST decree to help.
If not because of love and compassion, or at least out of a sense of self-preservation. Because the grief and pain of everyone to the ground sooner or later will affect you.
When America bombed Iraq and Yugoslavia - they bombed Moscow and New York.
Izania cares about everyone, "requiring help and intercession."
* * *
"The Russian Church in paralysis" - these are the words of Dostoevsky killer.
God's degree of allowance during the Bolshevik persecution of the Church is to clean the blood of the New Martyrs, began to revive.
Paradoxically, it was during the Soviet era to the temples began to come true believers, not fearing any persecution.
It is striking that, instead of a great fish to see the light of God, modern bishops saw in the rebellion of the Bolsheviks "violation of the rights of believers."
And it is said:
"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered" ...
That is, without providence, without the will of Heaven nothing happens. Especially with regard to the Church.
* * *
Luxury villa, remaining after the death of the owner - the owner of the grave monument. Not returned DEBT SKIES.
Chest Miserly Knight is a guilty verdict on the Court.
* * *
The loss of a man of his profession, employment, place in life, involuntary unemployment, pushing people on the criminal, sinful ways of earning a living (prostitution, speculation, the sale of drugs, alcohol, and so on) is a horrible guilt before Heaven and ideas.
For "idleness is the mother of all evils" so says the Holy Fathers of the Church.
The Company is obliged not only to find talent, but also help to develop in the right direction, help in finding employment.
Not yet found their place in life, has not been fulfilled vocation and my duty, is at best a "wart", and at worst - a cancer cell, attract a vitality of the whole.
Woe to those rulers who have been responsible for the lost for eternity the fate of generations!
Stalin can be blamed for the mistakes in the execution of the Plan. The current government knowingly rejects idea.
Debts Heaven not only had not been given, but the increase without metastasize. This is the essence of a market society of consumption.
* * *
We only nurses that are the plague of the city and the village, preventing ill healthy and helping wishing to recover.
We are not united church. We are the children of different churches, political and religious beliefs, decided to unite in "lies in evil" world against predators.
This is our way to live and fight together. Way to unite the world in opposition to the prince of darkness and his host.
If we have nurses, the priests are doctors. But they are only the conductors between the soul and heaven. The most perfect doctor is not in the human inhales life without the will of the Creator.
We believe that our work; those logs that flare up in the soul of the divine fire. We are the intermediaries between the world lying in wickedness and the temple.
Conscious that even the most talented doctor will not start without the divine spark cold heart stopped.
* * *
What would happen if your feet stopped listening to your head?
But the Creator - not the head and the Whole.
The fall of man, original sin is primarily a breach of unity, where "all for one, one for all", as they used to say "comrades."
Current civilization individualists is a defiant challenge is design.
Therefore, sometimes to the Creator is much more important the adoption of the Plan of personality than just the knowledge of the Creator, almost inaccessible to our understanding. In contrast to the Plan, inscribed in the heart.
Benefits of the Most High for our admonition:
The device of all living organisms / idea /.
The etymology of the word.
Perfection and beauty of the world.
Prayer "Our Father."
The idea for the unbelievers there is a certain intuitive supertask inscribed in the heart of the Act.
* * *
TRINITY... The Three Ones be united.
Accomplishes in heaven marriages - two are so united.
Godlike. Many are so united.
This is when one becomes one.
When the union - not the loss of the individuality of each individual "I" and the overcoming of self, overcoming separation from the world process, loneliness, meaninglessness of existence.
Help each individual to find their role, the most important task in the Creator's plan for her in this life and the next century.
This is the unity of the individual in the universal ascent toward a common goal. Complement and enrich each other in the conservation and development of creative freedom in the performance of the Plan, each role.
Except for one affirmation himself outside his father's house, is the Creator and His purpose.
Self (ego) is overcome by a "chosen" and the historical process.
* * *
Unity is not external, and free choice of the mind and heart.
Become Whole, the fullness of life not through a branch of this plenitude only source of life, and through the realization of a part of it, a partaker of Life.
Entering it, merge with it, and thus gaining the divine fullness of life.
The difference between the anthill and the kingdom is the distance in the history of mankind. From the fall to the ancestors of the Last Judgment.
The path from the child pre-programmed to live in Father's House to informed choice Heart Will of the Father.
Father's house is not just a common roof, habitat, and the overall attitude of the unity of worlds and godlike beings in God.
This is a revolution of consciousness!
* * *
"The unit is nonsense, the unit is zero," he wrote.
In the House of the Father unit free choice of the mind and heart will be EDINNITSEY.
Unit confirmed itself outside of God, tends to zero.
The unity confirmed itself in God according to the Eternal Council is committed to the infinite fullness of being. To the endless increase and ascension.
The unit is a unity. This is the key to understanding the history of mankind.
Not even serve the Creator, for God Himself is not only the Creator, but the minister's own ideas.
And our service to others is pleasing to God only when it is not idolatry and servility to man.
Serve with the Creator to His plan.
Create worlds, to create beauty. "Sow reasonable, good, eternal".
* * *
Freedom of choice is given to us only one: the choice between God and not God, that is, the devil.
The Creator gives creatures the freedom to choose the time, initially knowing the result, because it lives outside of time.
It's like a play, where the characters are free until the end of time drama.
But the author who resides outside of time and space, and of created by him, from the time of Adam and Eve knows the denouement.
In this is the solution of the apparent contradiction between FREEDOM and DESTINY, FATE, PROVIDENCE.
* * *
"Many are called, but few are chosen" - that is, are called to eternity, elected (selected) in the temporal process.
"My sheep know My voice".
In the Plan everyone is called, but in time become the elect few.
Not all selected time Eternity, and in the realm of fact the truth. Instead carnal and selfish love (lust for possession) - sacrificial heavenly love.
Most of the changes heavenly Jerusalem on the earthly ona.
* * *
Leaf that gets into debt from the tree (the whole) life must return to his life for the whole, as a reward remained in the genetic memory of the Whole.
Yes sheet and cannot live otherwise. It is programmed in the service of the whole, except for the cases when ill.
Then the tree is trying to treat it as an incurable rejects and replaces the other.
Man is ill voluntarily.
He has the freedom to be detached. Or, if you wish to recover, to stay in the eternal memory of the Whole.
Freedom of choice: rage on the ground or learn to fly.
* * *
Each of us has a "good bad man." Good in design, bad for the implementation.
* * *
Man was created for the flight, but not for dung.
* * *
Unity is not external (ant), and internal (collegiality).
* * *
Calling intelligentsia is to carry information about the plan, the interpretation of the Plan, a comment on the Plan. Serve as a bridge between heaven and unchurched people.
* * *
God-man, in contrast to the Creator inherent in specialization, function, need multiple ADDITIONS TO LIFE.
Thus, no part of the body cannot exist alone by itself, but only in conjunction with the other.
But all of us together without the Life-Giving Spirit - in the best case, only robots and zombies.
* * *
Serving God is the infinite creative ascent.
Question of the purpose of ascent is incorrect, for climbing in the works - in itself an infinite goal.
The creative process is in itself a goal and climbing.
Climbing in creativity knows no bounds. This is a boundless field of activities and of God the Creator and the created "in the image and likeness" of creation.
Infinity is in the works.
The destruction of the boundaries between corruptible and eternal, overcoming decay, space and time.
Meeting of the earth with heaven.
Overcoming corruptible and temporary, we release to climb the divine energy, bound before the dominance of the flesh over the spirit. Bad materiality, self and lower passions (the service Mammon).
* * *
The aim and motivation of creativity there can be only one - love in the divine sense of the word.
Exiting itself. More outpouring someone Happiness of Being.
That's why God created the world - the great outpouring of love.
He not only gave man the happiness of life, but also the freedom, through freedom from himself, which led to a falling man from the Creator.
And the crown of the divine self-giving love - God becomes man, taking excruciating shameful death on the cross to the man returned, adoring.
Redeemed it by His Divine Blood. Reconnect with Him act Great Love.
A man claiming to be the fullness of being apart from God, is absurd and tragic.
As Gogol Nose posing as master.
* * *
Infinity, timelessness inherent only in man-creator, the aspirant to the House of the Father. Return to the house of the Father.
Creative fire, serving evil, darkness, becomes fire Gehenna devouring souls. Eternal suffering and longing for the ruined lives, failing ideas.
Despair rejected the light of the soul, doomed to eternal darkness and death. Outside the Father's House
* * *
Man is like the Creator is in the creation.
Stalin tried to smelt ore from human grains of gold, image and likeness. Let barbaric ways, but he did "men", which long held Russian. And not only Russia.
* * *
The main thing in the Thought is a unified whole, which is included from time to time, the system of exclusion alien, self-employed, locked-in cells and organs.
I am part of the Great Whole, selflessly working for Him, merging with Him, becoming also a great and perfect ...
Or in opposition to the whole, want to be equal to Him. Be as "It".
His servants as He served me.
And Needless It served me.
Saving system Whole rejects such cells, diseased pride and self.
From this catastrophe, revolutionary storms, revolutions and wars, perceived narrow minds of the society as evil.
As with any surgery, sometimes dying trapped "under the knife of history" and "benign" fabric.
But do not blame the surgeon, and overgrown tumor, without which there would be no need for a radical and dangerous operation in order to save the whole.
* * *
Major fault: a vital process of the means to reach and the Supreme Whole, turned into an end in itself.
In the "live to live."
Kant first asked to treat a person as an end and never as a means. Purpose - free creativity in the House of the Father, where God Himself - Creator too.
Creativity is self-sufficient, being both a means and an end, and climbing.
Eternal climbing ladder leading up the steps, goals, wins over the other.
Self-assertion, self-expression, which became a victory over his own self.
Poobezhdayuschie self-coming out of it, overcoming it - Creativity in the name of beauty, light, Truth.
In the name of Absolute Targets inherent only to the Creator Himself. Consequently, the infinite and self-sufficient.
Creativity is a way of life and the Creator, and man.
Here Love conquers death. Eternity is Time. Truth is fact.
Infinity qualitative quantitative.
It coincides with the target agent.
Here is the beginning of the end, which ends with the beginning ...
Here, "the road to the sun of the worm."
Purpose is the definition of the Council of the Eternal.
Any affirmation under any slogan is the destination, regardless of the Whole is harmful for the Whole (Incarnation). The destruction of the Plan, the evil.
* * *
Rejection and lack of understanding of the unity of the Plan of the Creator has led to disastrous consequences.
Truly "We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we do not."
We did not protect our country, our public property, our dignity.
Our past, present and future. Our children, the elderly and grandchildren. Our women and girls.
We were not given a proper rebuff invasion werewolves, bought into the promises, native trinkets and swipes.
We kept the fig in the pocket, saw themselves as "nihilists", sang "And we do not care," thinking to sit in his "hut on the edge" for deceiving serials.
Listening for hours as a "moron with a moron says," blowing bubbles.
And in the meantime they all dragged us from under his nose the treasures acquired by established and reclaimed labor, blood, sweat and tears of many generations.
And now these riches fatten throwing us scraps.
Bomb "zone of interests" until we go after them take out chamber pots.
Pay for services with our daughters for $ 50 (three tenner on the Soviet rate).
With couriers for the "grass" for our sons - as our summer camp and spas on the Black Sea coast.
And cast our money bullets designed to strike enemies of the Fatherland, kill our children in the "hot spots".
And our tanks, "armor is strong" shoot our House of Soviets in the midst of our capital before our eyes.
And "it will be even greater!"
So to whom we showed the fig, ladies and gentlemen, comrades?
Where is your "hut on the edge" when it is on your blood wipe out Babylonian rocket?
* * *
When your ruble Soviet savings banks flew werewolves nomenclature, independent, and thence to the Swiss and New York banks green migratory birds.
And you in between serials, putting into the pockets your savings, speakers sweetly persuaded by "the box" do not go to the rally, and go plant potatoes. What you cost your potatoes?
While you planted it, not only robbers cleaned out your pocket and flat.
But your city and country.
Your daughter and future.
And that is the worst thing is the soul. Your children and the elderly.
For our name is the work of several generations.
These are debts to the Creator, should be returned to the Court at the end of time.
Now they are working on Mammon vampire!
Not expensive if comes potatoes, ladies and gentlemen, comrades?
Therefore, Izanas, learning from mistakes, announces "zone of its interests," the entire globe.
We're not going to kill anyone, but will not allow and kill yourself!
* * *
Build a city or build himself a castle, where they will hang out and fornicate loafers-heirs. There's a difference?
And if this city is Sodom?
This is Stalingrad. Which rose from the ashes, unlike Sodom.
* * *
Defeat the evil done only by God in the end times.
Darkness is the road to the House of the Father, the foreign land.
Everyone should be sure to pass it, to overcome.
Or stay forever in it.
This is the idea of an earthly exile.
Granted freedom of choice. Historic dropouts.
* * *
Only in Izans joined by labor and capital.
Communism and entrepreneurship.
Calculation and unselfishness.
Accumulation and takeoff. Avarice and dream.
Personal and general.
Wealth and holiness besserebrennichestvo.
Stolz with Oblomov. Pavel with Kol'chugina. Bill Gates with Martin Luther King.
For over us - the Law of Heaven, where converge and disappear all the contradictions between nations, parties, religions and classes.
When we all do one thing: we multiply the matter with the harvest of the next century.
* * *
Doll survived child. We worship things, and they will survive us.
Most insignificant The Glass happier US president on inauguration day.
We spend valuable time by recycling it is not in the saving of eternity, and in the matter (clothing, furniture, home). Serving of this matter and its kingdom, which certainly outlive us.
The latest bottle, bauble outlast us, forcing someone else to serve them.
And then we all serve the zeroes in the bank account.
Is it possible to compare: the man left behind a school, a hospital, a railway - and we think: "His life is not passed in vain" ... "To dying embodied in steamers, long lines and other things" ...
Or the person left his: Mount own things, luxury (for example, even falling apart now the palace of Count Vorontsov).
Quite another bitter feeling: wins ownership of not surviving her master.
* *
Stalin's death brought a mystical change in the consciousness of the people.
In an ideal world, the Soviet was not to be death. Especially do not fit into the ideology of the leader's death.
Death has no place in bourgeois consciousness.
Yet the pleasure craft is perceived differently than on a ship sailing to the Promised Land.
* *
"His" this is the attitude, "Voice of knowing." Those who seek the Truth. Regulations Heaven, and not the prince of darkness.
This is not a class, not a nationality, not confession or anything like that.
This is the concept of the spiritual.
It is a longing of the freely chosen obedience to the Father in the House of the Father. In contrast to the love of freedom of the Father, of His Will.
* * *
The events in Yugoslavia and Iraq have shown that looseness and discord is the way people in the clutches of the Beast. The coming Antichrist.
Izania is the path of confrontation Beast.
* *
There is not the will of the Hyperboreans in the capital,
Forgotten and trampled asleep law.
Eagle is destined to be reborn through the pain,
But citizens makes the iron barrier.
This quatrain of Nostradamus, if by "Hyperboreans" understand Russian, under the "eagle" - the Russian state, and "iron barrier" - the "iron curtain", could be interpreted as a characteristic of the Stalin era.
* * *
Mode, deprived of human work is criminal to Heaven. Such a person becomes a potential vampire criminal. He is deprived of "their place in life." The Holy Fathers say: "Idleness - the mother of all vices."
Stalin fought barbaric methods with valid and potential vampires, seeking to destroy the child of God-manhood, maturing in the womb ramshackle, doomed to die of civilization.
The current government even more barbaric methods claim the right to kill a vampire baby that threatens its birth to its inviolability, prosperity.
Urged to pierce her spear at the end of times, like St. George the Victorious on a white horse, and smote the dragon.
* * *
"Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double give her for it. In the cup which she mixed, mix to her double.
How much she hath glorified herself and lived luxuriously, so much give her of torment and mourning. For she saith in his heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow!
Therefore in one day shall her plagues come, death and mourning and famine. And it will be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her...
And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because their merchandise nobody buys.
The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen and purple ...
Cinnamon ... and incense, incense and peace and ...
And the bodies and souls of men."
Revelation 18: 6-8,11-13).
For flight or dung? The Chosen One on the main things
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